Pulley system

On Wednesday the yr 5/6 class made a pulley system because they have been learning about pulleys, cogs and levers. They split up into groups to make a pulley. They used items from a tray and junk items. They used things like string, wheels, pulley blocks and cups. Some groups consisted of 5 people down to 2. After that we set up a set of instructions to make a pulley system. They also included a list of items you will need to make a pulley system. These included scissors, sello tape/ sticky tape, skewers and other necessary items. They also made a diagram of the pulley system they made.



One thought on “Pulley system

  1. Your group worked exceptionally hard to create this pulley system Adam. Da iawn! I’m looking forward to seeing it lift some carriages as part of our ‘Rollercoaster’ display. Mae’n gyffroes iawn!

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