Month: January 2019

learning about ROBOTS!

Today three people have come into class and they taught us about robots and it was really fun. So basically we were split into groups and on each table there were different activities like Lego and electrical components. It was very interesting! They brought two robot dogs and one big cat – it was huge!! Now a lot of people are riding on the stand of the cat and it looks really cool. There is a lot of noise going on! There are colourings and some people are wearing scientist jackets. A great science day!

Our robot day!!

Today we had three very kind people who came into our school to show us some of the robots that one of the men had made. They showed us 2 different robots called Katt and Mascot, they were very cool!!  Firstly  the man gave us a talk about the robots and what we would be doing. Then we decided which group we wanted to be in and we set off in that group doing our activity. After lunch we sat on the carpet and he read us a page of information. After that the man got out a robot called Mascot and some of us got to control him. Finally the man got out the big 8 FOOT ROBOT called Katt. Katt is short for katashtrophe.

I really enjoyed today!!

The Class Drawing Contest

On 10th of January year 5/6 had a contest to see who could draw and colour the their new topic cover the best, two of our teachers judged our drawings on our new topic ROLLER COASTERS. I was one of the winners! 😀

Here is my roller coaster book cover:

on Friday robot man comes in

On Friday 11 January there is a robot man coming in to speak to us and we are all waiting patiently. However there has been a delay and he needs to go back to Swansea to get a board because the robot is too heavy and big to get up the junior steps. Year 5 and year 6  are so excited to see how big the robot is and to learn some facts about robots and how they were built!

The Man With The Robots

Today a man with two robots came in because our topic last term was Tomorrow’s World. The robots were Katt and Dog, Katt was really big and Dog was big but not as big as Katt. The class was split into four tables and on every table was 3 activities for us to do. After we finished our activities we went into the hall and we saw Katt and Dog and we got to ride on Katt and control Dog. We all really enjoyed because the robots were really cool and the activities were also fun.