Author: Deleted User

First aid training

Today is April 1st and a visitor came into our school to teach Y5/6 about first aid and CPR. First he told us a true story about his friends and family and gave us advice about riding a bike “Always were a helmet because a small accident can be a big issue”. Next he told all of the pupils to find a partner to work with then he told us how to put a bandage on a cut or a burn. After that he said to pretend that we had a cut or a burn and ask or partner to put a bandage on our cut or burn and then the other person would do it to their partner then we wrapped the bandages on our head. After a while we practised CPR on a foam dummy. First we had to check  that he was breathing then do 30 heart compressions then check  again if he was breathing. At last the next person would have a try and then we all had a talk before it finished.

The Class Drawing Contest

On 10th of January year 5/6 had a contest to see who could draw and colour the their new topic cover the best, two of our teachers judged our drawings on our new topic ROLLER COASTERS. I was one of the winners! 😀

Here is my roller coaster book cover: