Month: March 2019

Our Mock Baptism

On  Friday 15th we went to St. Johns Church to recreate le Bron Stevens being baptized (the plastic doll). Firstly some of the children brought instruments to play before the baptism started. There were trumpets and pianists. Secondly the people at the church gave us leaflets which showed us what we had to say in the Mock Baptism. After that the Priest baptized the baby and we sang a song about god. After that we had a feast of cakes and drinks and biscuits. Lastly we had a slice of cake to take home to eat.

Our mock baptism at St John’s Church in Alltwen!!!

On Friday, 15th of February, our class went to St John’s Church (Alltwen) to have a mock baptism. We did the complete service and got dressed during the lunch hour into are super duper smart shirts, suits, waistcoats and the girls wore pretty dresses. I, (Ben) was chosen by are class teacher (Mrs Cooper) to be the dad of the baby doll who the local priest of the Parish Of Cylybebyll then baptised. Other of my peers were the mum, neighbours, grandparents, godparents as well as friends and family. During a talk with the priest two days earlier, on Wednesday the 13th of February,we decided the name of the baby doll and confirmed during a vote that HE would be called Le Bron, after a famous basketball player called Le Bron James. We then decided of a surname of Stevens as the name Steve was voted as the second highest in popularity after Le Bron.

Mock Baptism

On Friday 15 of February year 5/6 had a mock baptism the baby boy was called Le Bron Stevens also I wore smart clothes and when we arrived at the church a lady gave us a booklet to follow what the parents and godparents had to say also after the baby was baptised there was loads of different party food waiting for us on the table then it was time to go back to school.

Mock Baptism

On Friday 15th our class went to a mock baptism. We each had roles to preform as you would in a normal baptism. We arrived at St John’s church at about half past twelve  and we would start at about one o’clock. The roles we had to preform meant everyone got to participate  and so everyone had fun. Instead of baptising a pupil we baptised a doll and we  named it Le Bron  Stevens (named after a famous basket ball player). After we finished the service we had food and drinks such as biscuits, cake, crisps and squash. All in all we all enjoyed to baptism and would like to do more things like this.