Author: Deleted User

Christmas concert!

From Monday 10th December to Wednesday 12th December, the juniors of Rhos Primary School (which incudes years 5 and 6) performed a Christmas concert based in the town of Bethlehem and on Jesus’ birth. The concert included 3 main characters, Mary, Joseph and Ben, The Busker. They all had to sing solos and had a total of 13 lines each! Including some big paragraphs that consisted of 7 lines in them!

I had the part of Ben (the Busker) which was the main part! I wanted to be this part because my own name is Ben!!!

The story was about a man who used to be rich but wasn’t any more, called Caesar, who decreed a census to be taken everywhere in the Roman Empire to get tax out of them. For this to happen, everyone had to go to Bethlehem to be rounded up and have tax taken out of them. But after the Roman soldiers had left, Mary had her baby at last, and was told by an angel called Gabriel to call the baby Jesus and he received gifts from three wise men and was also worshiped by three shepherds.

ICT usage!

Last week, years 5-6 created tables o how much ICT they used each day over the course of a week.

First we created a table on word to create our first draft.

After that, copied it onto word with a graph and we made up. facts about the graph.

Finally we printed the graph.